(King Abdulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives (Darah

(King Abdulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives (Darah

Riyadh Riyadh

About :

King Abdulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives(shortened as KAFRA) was created in 1972 AD. In the Islamic calendar, the foundation was created in 1932 AH on the Fifth of Sha'ban. It was originally founded as The King Abdulaziz House. The Arabic title of The King Abdulaziz House is Darat al- Malik Abdulaziz. The foundation is located in the capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh. It holds several symbols of Arabian culture, history, and culture. It was established as a means of preserving the Arabian and Islamic heritage of the kingdom.


King Abdulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives(Darah) was established with the sole aim of preserving the Arabian heritage. The foundation has several books, historical documents, magazines, paintings, films, manuscripts, and sketches in its possession. It is also in the business of collecting and preserving historically significant photographs and films. The historical documents and manuscripts found in the foundation archives are usually in both original and duplicate forms. Some of the historical materials at the foundation were acquired from other archives and museums.


Governed by a board of directors, the foundation is not wholly funded by the Saudi Arabian government. The income and expenditure of the foundation are independent of the government. The board of directors, of which His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al- Saud is the chairman, is in charge of the foundation’s affairs. The foundation gets most of its revenue from donations, returns on investments and projects, and funds from the government.


The major purpose of the foundation is the collection, analysis, and preservation of materials of heritage. The King Abdulaziz Foundation does not only have historical materials of Saudi Arabia, but it also holds historical materials and documents pertaining to the Arabian peninsula in general. Furthermore, with Saudi Arabia being the home of Islam, the foundation preserves several historical materials of Islam as a religion.

Having been in existence for over three decades, King Abdulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives is a sure source of historical knowledge of Saudi Arabia and, by extension, Islamic countries. With comprehensive libraries, there is no limit to history.

 Foundation Sections

The foundation has different segments, each one having distinct purposes and significance. The subdivisions of King Abdulaziz Foundation are Research Department, Saudi History Archives, Female Center, Royal Family History Center, the Library, Oral History Center, King Abdulaziz Memorial Exhibition Hall, Ad Darah Journal, Information Center, and the Murabba Palace.


Riyadh 11461, P.O Box 2945, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.